Tuesday 19 January 2016

I Like To Move It, Move It

Welcome to Round 2 of the "Give 1 Take 1 Challenge"! 
Today I’d like to focus on "movin it" – not exercise, just the plain and simple act of moving. Before everything in life became "fast and easy" we walked, we carried, we hunted and gathered, crafted and cooked, built it with our own hands - in essence we weren't lazy. And we all do it every day in our own way, whether we drive to work, take coffee breaks at our desk, spend countless hours in front of the tv or computer, grab fast food instead of packing a healthy lunch, pre-packaged meals over home cooked - we make those seemingly innocent choices that chip away at our health.

But it's never too late to get it back, and you know what? It's fun! To quote our little furry friends from Madagascar.... 
I like to move it, move it
She likes to move it, move it
He likes to move it, move it
You like to ("move it!")

Now some of you might be offended, thinking oh it's easy for you but I work full time, or raise a family, or this or that. Yup, we all have our reasons, our excuses, but the fact is we also all have our time wasters (me, I can get lost on the computer for hours!). So today, that is the focus of our Challenge --> What are you willing to trade to get yourself moving in your quest for better health? 
Recent studies have shown that a sedentary lifestyle is a large contributor to many of today's health maladies, from depression and mood disorders to obesity and heart problems.  So whatever your reasons for wanting to live a healthier lifestyle, TODAY IS THE DAY TO MAKE THAT CHANGE.
Have a look at the lists below and see how many of these small changes you can incorporate into your day to day. Start with one or two trade offs so its manageable, then when they have become "routine" try adding more.

TV – commit to limiting your TV programs to 1 hour (or less) per day.  If you are an avid movie watcher, pick certain days for movie nights and make them special times, like a “dinner and a movie” type of theme.
Gaming – although gaming can be somewhat more interactive than TV, it’s still considered sedentary. Set that controller down after an hour of gaming (use a timer if need be) and move on to active things.
Computer – this is such a broad one, and I know many people use their computers for work, for research, school, blogging, shopping, and more. If possible, try limiting your computer time to an hour at a time, then get up and do a physical activity for at least 15 minutes before resuming.
Commuting – how far to you travel for work? Do you have to drive? If work is a reasonable distance away why not walk or bike? Take an LRT or bus? Not only would you be moving more but think of all the money you could save on fuel!
Shopping – this is a win-win right here: try walking to the grocery store or the mall.  Not only will you be moving more but you will only be able to buy what you can carry.  Think of the savings on impulse buys alone!
Parking – get in the habit of parking on the farthest side of the lot and walking the distance.
Elevators – if you are going up 3 floors or less, forget the building even has an elevator. Just walk it. Do more if you can. Here are some health facts on stair climbing https://t.co/QoaL9zNETy
Go for a walk – the simple act of walking is a simple way to get moving. Go for a stroll around your neighbourhood or local park. Added benefits include upping your daily dose of vitamin D if you walk in the daylight, and star gazing if you walk at night. And fresh air is priceless.
Play with your kids – when was the last time you played tag? Or tossed a ball or Frisbee? Built a fort or climbed a tree?  We can learn so much from our children, and including play time in your day is good for you, good for them.
Dance – mundane house chores go better with music, so put on some lively tunes, crank up the volume and dance like no one’s watching!  Or take a dance class, you can even bring a friend to make it more fun.
Try a new sport or activity – check your local Activity Guide for a list of available classes.  Many can be done as a family, or just go solo and meet new people.  Walk there for added benefit.
Join a fitness club – although gym memberships can be a bit pricey, it’s easier to stay motivated to exercise when you’ve made the commitment and have others to support your efforts.  Is there a YM/YWCA in your neighbourhood? Other gyms or martial arts training centres?
Exercise at home – If a fitness club isn’t an option, there are plenty of ways to exercise at home. Youtube is full of good videos for beginners who want to learn yoga, general fitness routines and more.  There’s no need for expensive equipment (unless you want to).

Coming up next:
Round 3:  "Toss It"
Cheers to your health!  


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