Thursday 18 June 2015

Give 1 Take 1, Round 1: Water, Elixir of Life

Welcome to Round 1 of the "Give 1 Take 1 Challenge"! 
There are two things you are going to read a lot here on the blog, and both are equally important and sort of my “mantras”:

1.       Health and wellness are yours for the taking.
2.       Make small manageable changes in your life and keep them going.
Today I’d like to focus on water – the elixir of life. Water is essential to every cell and every process in our body, and without it we cannot physically exist. Adding water to our everyday will be the first "small manageable change" in our challenge.

Why Water?

1. Increases Energy & Relieves Fatigue – We’ve all heard that the human body is made of mostly water – on average up to 60% water.  This is especially true for your brain, so drinking more water helps you think and focus better and be more alert. Additionally, your energy levels are also boosted via your better functioning metabolism.
2. Boost Immune System –Drinking enough water ensures your blood will carry essential oxygen to all the cells in your body.  Your immune system functions at its best when your muscles and organs are working properly. As a result your body is able to remove toxins, take in nutrients and expel waste products.  The first changes you may notice will be a clearer complexion and better regularity (yes, you will poop better!)

3. Prevents and Treats Chronic Ailments – Many illnesses can be treated and prevented by simply upping the H2O. Water lubricates the joints (arthritis) the brain (headaches) the intestines (constipation). Without enough water your brain can’t produce enough serotonin (depression) or melatonin (insomnia). Since water oxygenates the blood, it also becomes an asset in the fight against cancer, since cancer cells can’t thrive in the presence of oxygen.
4. Promotes Weight Loss – When your body lacks H2O the kidneys need their “big bro” - the liver - to come to the rescue. But your liver has more important things to do, like metabolizing fat into energy.  Water is also a natural appetite suppressant, raises your metabolism and has zero calories. Drink more water, especially when you’re more active, and watch those pounds melt away.

5. Save Money - Water is FREE! Even if you choose bottled/filtered water, it’s STILL cheaper than any other beverage.
How Much is Enough?
I don’t want to get into quantities, as there are many mixed opinions out there on how much is enough. Besides, each person is biologically different, so one person will metabolize water better than the next.  More importantly is the quality of the water you drink, the speed at which you drink, and over all learning to listen to your body.
Know Your Source – If you are blessed with really great tap water, drink it! Unfortunately most municipal water contains harmful chemicals such as fluoride, chlorine, pesticides and Aunt Sally’s last drug prescription. Investing in a home water filtration system is well worth the cost. Also many fridges now come with built in filters and water on demand.  Or simply buy a jug like a Brita and filter one jug at a time.  Whatever it takes, ensure you are drinking the best water possible.
Speed:  Sipping over Guzzling – The next time you’re really thirsty and want to suck back that entire glass of water in one shot, don’t. If you picture that time when you forgot to water a plant and it dried out really bad, so you dumped a jug of water into the pot and it all ran out the bottom? Well if you would have taken that same jug and poured the water in bit by bit, the plant would have drank the whole thing!  The same holds true for your body.  Your body needs a constant supply of water throughout the day, so try keeping a drinking container handy where ever you go – on the counter, in the car, on your desk – and sip your way to better health!
Listen To Your Body – Your body will tell you when you need more water, so listen carefully.  One simple check you can easily do is the “skin pinch test”.  Simply pinch up some skin on the back of your hand and see how long it takes to return in place.  If your skin drops back quickly you are not dehydrated. If it settles back slowly you are already dehydrated (think of your dried out plant).  Best not to let things get to that point, so sip, sip and sip some more throughout the day.

A Drink is a Drink is a Drink

Wrong. Not all beverages are created equal, water is just… superior!  The structure of water is H2O which in a nutshell is a molecule with 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen.  This is exactly what your body needs to kick off all of its functions.  Coffee, tea, juices, pop, alcohol and other beverages contain more elements - some of which are useful, many of which are harmful.
That doesn’t mean water is all you can drink, but for a well-functioning healthy body water should be most of what you drink.  As for the others, just be selective.  Which brings us to our “Give and Takes”.

THE GIVE Pick your nemesis beverage and see how long you can go without it, replacing it with a simple glass of water each time. Start with the worst culprits like pop, alcohol, coffee or any other beverage that you would normally choose over water.

THE TAKE Fill up your favorite drinking container and keep it handy with focus on drinking it empty at least 2-3 times over the course of the day.  Some people really dislike just plain water, so if it helps try fruit-infused water.  Pick up an infuser pitcher, or simply slice and add your favorite fruits to a jug of water and keep in the fridge. 


Coming up next:
Round 2:  "We Like to Move It, Move It "
Cheers to your health!  


Wednesday 17 June 2015


When people think of better health, weight management or nutritious eating, many conjure up images of bland tasteless diets, hours on the treadmill, and basically “doing without”. Which is why many will put off making changes to how they eat or live – they view it as the enemy. There is also a lot of mis-information out there which can be daunting for some – who has the time to figure out fact from fiction?
My goal is to help people see things differently. The only enemy in achieving better health is you, and when you come to realize that the path to healthy living is lined with all sorts of gifts and treats, the enemy will be gone and you will become your own best friend. 
One step at a time is what I would put forward to you. Make small manageable changes in your life and keep them going. Then add another, and another, and soon you will be living a healthier happier life you only imagined existed in glossy magazines, in the lives of supermodels.
If this sounds like something you want to incorporate into your life, then please join us. If you’re not quite ready that’s okay too, just follow along and jump in when you’re ready. And only try what you want, as that is the whole goal: creating a positive experience as you redefine YOU. And don’t for a minute think no one will notice the changes – be prepared to answer questions from friends and family and share your personal journey with them!
I will be posting a variety of blog topics including: 
  • Give 1 Take 1 - Challenge Rounds
  • “How-to’s” for some really cool make it yourself stuff (homemade yogurt, soap making and milling, sprouting, making supplements at home and more)
  • Product features/reviews when I run across a really cool item I think you might enjoy
  • Nutritional information
  • Fitness ideas
  • Sharing health and wellness news


Coming up next: Give 1 Take 1 Challenge – Round 1.
Cheers to your health!  

Monday 15 June 2015


Welcome to the blog site for Buffalo Wellness!

I know what you're thinking - "there are a million health and wellness blogs out there, what makes yours so special?"  Well yes you have a point there, there are many wonderful, info-filled, creative blog sites available on the net. But there is only one you. And there is only one me. And this blog is my way of sharing my unique personal journey towards health freedom.

You may not agree with all that I share, and I wouldn't expect anything more.  We are all unique individuals, created biologically different in so many ways, with a multitude of interests, talents, and challenges.

I invite you to read with an open mind - take away the info that interests you and apply it to your own health and wellness journey.

Life.. a breathtaking journey with destination unknown.

     Live it to the fullest.  Live it with passion.

          Health and wellness are yours for the taking.

               Life...  above all...  just live it.